istanboli is a project management company specialized on museums and exhibitions with 25 years of extensive experience in museum design, art exhibition display and lighting.
ISTANBOLI is an institution that has examined and analyzed countless museums in all of Europe, the Americas, the Middle East, Some part of Russia and the Far East. Experienced different approaches in the world of museology.
istanboli creates museums that are responsive, adaptive, inviting and exciting.
We believe that Creativity, Vision, Values and Experiences are deeply connected, and that each one has an influence and effect upon the other.
We are modern and have traditional values of aesthetics, while we are agile and innovative.
We approach every project with enthusiasm and excitement and always seeking for new ways to educate ourselves about new products, innovative materials, exciting tools, and the latest technologies.
We bring ideas to life. That is both our goal, and our vision, so we make every effort to deeply envision your idea.
The design process at ISTANBOLI involves several stages, from initial sketches to production.
There is no rounded corners you'll find at ISTANBOLI.
We take accuracy very seriously.
Your opinion & satisfaction matter throughout the process. From the very first action, to the last.